Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Swap That!

A question for the masses: Would you like to decorate a room for free?  I figured that would peek your intrest.  Here is my second question: Who likes to party?  I hope you said yes to both because I have a genious way of how you can have the best of both worlds!  Most of the ladies reading I'm sure have heard of a clothes swapping party.  Friends come together and bring lightly worn threads that they just don't want any more.  The tricky part is making sure you don't bring one of your friend's sweaters you forgot to return back.  Much like the clothes, I had the idea of doing this same thing, but with furniture instead. 

Potential Problem Averted
As a host of this furniture swapping  party, you don't want a room full of furniture stacked to the ceiling, projecting the new style of a horder.  The guests problem would be actually bringing the furniture.  I can see all the guests dressed in there party best, pulling up in U-hauls, or even better, valeting their U-haul trucks.  Neighbors would be hearing the sounds of beeping from the backing trucks all night, and as much fun as that would be to experience... This can be all avoided with a simple picture.  You can either have your guests bring a picture of the furniture they are tired of and want to get rid of, or have them email you a picture so you can have them all ready to view in time for the party.  I would first set up a few ground rules to insure people aren't tyring to give away furnitrure that's broken, badly scratched up, or missing parts without leting other guests know.  You could write what kind of condition the piece is in on the back of each picture.  Most of all, have fun.  As you know, one man's trash is another man's treasure.

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